Could this be why the USA is in such turmoil? More bricks on my mind…

Trying to build my understanding in the chaos. Take any bricks you find useful to build yours.

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I remember years ago when my family participated in family therapy. We were going through an extremely difficult time during my son’s adolescence. Much of his behavior crossed the line and even catapulted way over the line. I knew I wasn’t a perfect dad, but in my mind, I thought the main problem was my son’s behavior. What I learned during that time was that I was the problem too. I held the most power and influence to change things. The problems in the US today are like this.

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To blame everything on the Republicans, Democrats, protesters, police, progressives, the Squad, the Proud Boys or whoever is like me blaming all my family’s problems on my son. Yes, he had his share of blame, but so did I. So did the entire family.

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Several years ago, HBSC bank was indicted for laundering billions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels and Islamic terrorists. Meanwhile, 70K people die per year in the US from overdose. The nation’s sons and daughters are sent off to fight, die and kill in wars whose main goal is to make a handful of people obscenely rich. In the end HBSC paid a settlement and said it “will apologize, acknowledge these mistakes, answer for our actions and give our absolute commitment to fixing what went wrong.” That’s it. Nobody was held liable.

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This negligence trickles down. We sense we’re getting abused and used. Core issues aren’t being addressed. Our leaders will not confront the evil they see. In fact, they make it worse. How can a nation of so much wealth and power not care for its own? Because the powerful really don’t care, or at least not enough. It goes back to how the wealth and power are gained. Over ½ million people in the US are homeless. We can’t feed them and the Beast at the same time. The Beast won’t let you. It’s appetite is insatiable.

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Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous actors more than willing to capitalize on the resentment many feel and deflect it away from the true power brokers. And instead of identifying the Beast, we fight each other in the streets. Republican vs. Democrat is a distraction. Proud Boy vs. Antifa is a distraction. The real string pullers will stay in power after the next election no matter who wins.

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Income inequality has been exposed brutally. The Covid-19 mess has shown this even more explicitly. Tech billionaires have made a killing in 2020. Bezos, Musk, and Zuckerberg have all increased their wealth in 2020 by record setting billions. Meanwhile, bankruptcy, eviction and food lines are the on-the-ground reality. How can this not cause resentment?

We’re told we need a huge bloated military to stay safe. We’re told it’s okay for billionaires to become trillionaires while others stand in food lines since it creates jobs and that’s the American way. We’re told that a nation with abundant natural resources and an insane level of political, economic and military power can’t even take care of basic needs (housing, jobs and healthcare). People are angry since nobody likes being lied to.

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Couple this with new and powerful ways to incite anger, plus a pandemic, and you have a time bomb ready to explode. It’s now exploding.

To understand why these things are happening, you have to think at the level of basic, instinctive human reactions, not just blaming a group of people being manipulated by an ideology. And beware. They are actively trying to manipulate you too.

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Conservative pundits criticize how people don’t respect the values the country was built upon — “LifeLiberty and the pursuit of Happiness“. This is kind of hard to swallow when for decades the most vulnerable went unprotected and the rich kept getting richer. If the leaders aren’t respecting the values, why should anyone else?

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Liberal pundits say Trump is a fascist, and they claim to desire equality and justice. Meanwhile they turn a blind eye to the new progressive fundamentalism that is just as bad as any racism ever was. Plus, they try to sell us the lie that Joe Biden will bring in some kind of meaningful change.

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The forces in movement here are as old as time. It’s evil incarnate. Evil works by confusion, chaos and distraction. Trying to blame all the ills on Trump or the contamination of progressive ideology in the universities is short sited. Do racist fascists love Trump? Of course. Are spoiled entitled progressives stirring up violence in the streets with their own brand of supremacy? Certainly. But the anger is misplaced. The Beast manipulates both sides to not see where the true damage is being done.

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The US culture was molded into being violent, not because we wanted it that way. It’s a controlled narrative. We wage more war and imprison more of our own citizens (2.1 million) than any other country by far. We spend about 3x more than China and up to 15x more than Russia on defense. Fifteen percent of the US federal budget is for defense. We have more guns (393 million) than people. For generations, our entertainment indoctrinated us with the message that might makes right. Every superhero wins by bashing the bad guy into a pulp. Total arms sales of US companies amount to $246 billion per year.

The US dominating class exports violence for profit.

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We’re aghast at the street violence, but that’s what we’ve been taught for decades. If you are on the side of “right”, violence is a legitimate and effective method to get your way. How many times have we seen images of bombing others in the name of democracy and freedom?

We must break free from this. We don’t need this anymore.

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It’s not the progressive ideology that promotes violence. In Norway, they have tons of progressive platforms and policies, and it’s not a nation of deep civil unrest. Yes, there are progressives that desire terrible things (promote abortion, destruction of family, etc.), but the incitement to violence is not inherent to progressive politics. Progressive ideology is just another vehicle to create fanatics in the power game, just like over-the-top nationalism. They play us like a violin.

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When the aggressors are on our side, we cheer them. I remember watching Steeler games. We turned a blind eye when our own team delivered a vicious, even cheap shot. Sometimes we even cheered for it.

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We all have a world view. Mine is from a Christian perspective. The notion that a nation is favored by God and therefore justifies all kinds of atrocity and violence is the most perverse distortion of the Gospel message ever. This is where extremism is born… when dedication to a country’s superiority and control becomes religiously justified.

It’s the Roman emperor being deified, and we see this kind of worship happen today. This is why Jesus used the Samaritan as the example of loving your neighbor. The Samaritans were the enemies of the Jews. Jesus tore down any notion of nationalistic superiority. He knew God measures the heart of a person. Jesus doesn’t wave a flag. All nations must bow down before God Almighty.

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Some might read this and get angry thinking I’m saying the USA is “bad”. The USA has had bad, self-serving, corrupt leadership for decades. That’s the problem. Still, some will take it personal. People will rise up and lash out beyond any source of reason to defend their own tribe. And that’s why things are exploding.

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True justice is not being done. The masses are hurting and aren’t being taken care of. We don’t want to spend more on wars and guns and filing the pockets of billionaires, but that’s what the government is planning—a record defense budget and billions of bailout money for bankers in the aftermath of a historic pandemic and economic crisis. And we continue to fight each other in the streets.

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People, politicians, police, and judges who want to do the right thing can’t or are very limited. The system is corrupt. What began as an investigation into a West Virginia doctor for healthcare fraud turned into the discovery of billions of dollars in money laundering by Mexican drug cartels and terrorist organizations with links to al-Qaeda by now Senator William J. Ihlenfeld. He did his job and nothing happened.

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The power of evil can only be conquered by the goodness of God. This will never occur with guns, clubs, bombs, and pepper spray. It requires a huge supernatural effort by the Body. The struggle will end at the Final Judgement when all of us will be asked to give an account for our lives. How will we answer?

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You can join a mob, watch in horror, or do what you know for sure is good and right. I believe billions of acts of pure, visible, concrete goodness are our best response to these times. Find ways to reject the lies. Don’t feed the Beast. It may not be enough, but we won’t go down without a fight. In the end though, we know Christ will be victorious. We know where we are going. Even in these troubled times, we know we are heaven bound.

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