Thy Kingdom come

YOUR FAITH LIFE is your life. You can’t separate the two.

You might forget about your faith sometimes, but your faith won’t forget about you.

Why? Because faith is a gift from God.

He never forgets about you. 

The world is incredibly turbulent these days. So many moving parts. I can’t keep up with it all. Who can?

This doesn’t mean I’m a disordered person. It’s just that the world is so confused right now.

Many people cry out or fight for one cause or another. People are on edge, sad, or stressed.

Obsessed with security it can never reach, society struggles now to hold itself together.

Yes, moments of joy and happiness continue to appear.

But still, we get defensive. We want to cry. We yearn for freedom. We feel trapped. We worry.

We can’t seem to get untangled from the confusion. And just when it seems like things have calmed down, another complication appears.

No wonder some just want to see it all burn to the ground.

And in the middle of this tragic, complicated world, only faith remains.

It’s the anchor in the storm. It keeps you from getting lost in the wilderness.

I’m convinced, now more than ever, that prayer is critical to my survival.

You can call me weak if you want, but in the turmoil, I will rest upon my faith and the Word of God.

I need him so much right now.

So in the middle of all the noise and chaos, just stop for a moment.

As the world rages, and you see all kinds of confusion and pain, go to God.

Let him establish order where there is chaos.

The external world won’t suddenly become neat and tidy. Instead, your inner dialog will change.

That voice inside will tell you:

Rest child. Stand solid upon the Lord your God.

Yes, nations, communities, and families are facing tremendous trials now. Great conflicts and divisions have formed.

Loyalties and convictions are being tested unlike ever before.

Even as the wind rises into a storm, and everything appears to be lost — perhaps even your own life at risk — never forget this:

You can place all your fear and insecurity in the wounded side of Christ.

It is a spacious, wide open place, full of mercy.

This is your refuge and security.

Many will not understand. Some may ridicule you. On the outside, it might be messy and complicated, as is the world.

But inside, you gain a deeper meaning. Above the confusion, you discover a heavenly order.

It’s the Kingdom made manifest in your life.

You may make shameful mistakes. You will tumble and fall. But you will not be annihilated.

Your soul will remain intact in the refuge of the Spirit.

And you will rise up and continue.

You will remember the Word of God is the final word. 

So stand fast. Today is not your last day as the Lord promises you eternity.

And when his judgment comes, all accounts will be settled. The Final Day does not and will not depend upon you.

At that moment, only God will speak. All else will be silent and still.

All declarations and half-truths will be tested.

True motives will be revealed.

Every heart will be measured.

And the Lord Jesus will raise his wounded hand in your favor.

So for now, do all you can to be faithful to the Good News.

Even if you face the hounds of hell, gain courage. Even if you fail, be not afraid.

Go forth and act with charity.

Join with others. Find purpose and strength in communion with the Body.

Return to the original promise that we can wait in joyful hope. And that there is room for everyone at the table.

The world hungers for peace and reconciliation. We thirst for justice and mercy.

We yearn for tenderness, goodness, and love.

All this was found in a simple manger, resting in his mother’s arms.

And they fell down to worship him as the promise of salvation was born.

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 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 

2 Corinthians 4:7-9

At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 

Mark 13:26

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